Lawncare in Spring
20 March 2023
(Last updated: 17 Jul 2023 14:47)
Lawncare in Spring:
- Aeration
- Feeding
- Weed control
- Regular mowing
Now is the time to get you lawn back in shape so you can enjoy the long hot summer days to come, we hope!
If your lawn is looking in poor health don’t despair its surprising how quickly it can respond to some attention.
After the severe winter we have emerged from it is essential to give the lawn the best opportunity to take advantage of the improving growing conditions. Opening the soil up allows the roots to breathe and encourage the grass to re-grow, particularly in trampled bald patches. Depending on the size of your lawn consider contacting your local lawn care company as they will use professional equipment to spike your lawn with the option of applying a top dressing to further improve the condition of the soil.
It is also time to feed your lawn to encourage good strong growth and a healthy dark green colour; controlled release fertilizers are best to get a steady growth.
Weed control is also important, particular culprits are dandelions, plantains, buttercups and yellow medick. If small in number these can be easily removed by hand but for more wide spread problems a selective herbicide may be applied Your Lawncare professional will be able to advise you on this.
Mow your lawn regularly from spring onwards to encourage healthy, lush-looking grass and to deter weeds. Do not cut shorter than 2cm. In early to mid-spring, mow your lawn once a week; increase this to twice a week in late spring and early summer when growth is most vigorous.Grass responds better if cut little and often; however, during periods of drought leave it uncut as longer grass will stay greener in hot weather.
Do not let the grass grow too long before cutting it short as the lawn will look yellow for a while, due to a lack of light at the base. Mow regularly for the best results.
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